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Protein, or Why KIND Bars Won't Get You There
Protein is very trendy these days, and for good reason. A high protein diet has been shown to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and...
How Getting a Trainer Changed my Life and How it Will Change Yours
I've been where you are. The first time I tried going to the gym, I went alone. My guide was a list of exercises scribbled on scrap...
The Allure of Chaos
Or, one reason success might be eluding you. For those of us who pursue long-term goals with discrete endings, such as preparing work for...
Why You Shouldn't Take Health Advice From the News
Last week, a shot of a television screen kept popping up in my Instagram feed. The tv screen showed a list of exercises that people over...
The Eye in the Mirror: How Mirrors Keep Women Out of the Gym
I have a new article up on Please click to visit.
The Termites Article
Okay, this article isn't really about termites.It’s about biological systems and how we approach them, but termites are biological...
Why Belly Breathing's Not All It's Cracked up to Be
Many people have been told they're breathing wrong. They've been told they're not using their diaphragm. Further, they've been told that...
The Stigma of BIG
It seems like every time I get on Instagram, I see a post assuring women that lifting weights won’t make them bulky or “manly.” Generally...
How to Fall in Love with Working Out, Part 2
Finding a Movement Practice A wise man once said, “Consistency trumps intensity every time,” but if you look at any mainstream fitness...
How to Fall in Love with Working Out, Part 1
A lot of fitness gurus want you to believe that they have an insane amount of grit, and that’s what keeps them going. But while grit...
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